Every 5 years or so, they spray the trees on the giant power lines that stretch through our county. Although the power lines don't cross any part of our property, our field makes an excellent central LZ for the helicopter that does the spraying. AEP was glad to have a flat place to base operations for a couple of days, and gave me a helicopter ride across the 4 points of our property this morning.

What a Trip!! I'd never flown in a helicopter before until this morning. Now I don't ever want to set foot in a plane again! We took off at about 8:00 this morning while the fog was still hanging in the valleys. The first thing the pilot did was fly to the head of our holler and spin around so we could look down the holler at our house site. In the middle of the first picture, you can barely make out our house site.

In the second picture you can see where we buzzed the house site. Things to find in this picture... an outhouse, a pig smoker, the spraying aparatus attached to the helicopter. Things to find in the 3rd picture... the hay bale that rolled into the pond and my brother-in-law's camper (which hasn't yet rolled into the pond!).
What an amazing project! My projects pale in comparison to yours. It is quite inspiring.
I wanted to put a link to your blog on mine (tysonsdaily.blogspot)but thought I'd ask first.
You have an awesome location and project going on there. Sorry it took me so long to respond - I enjoyed looking at your blog. Keep up the good work - I like those countertops.
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