Just after blogging about powder post beetles, I found several of them flying around in the air at my buddy's shop where I was cutting the hammer beam braces. He grabbed his 8x loop, and I grabbed my camera, and I was able to photographer this bugger before he flew off again. From what I can tell, I had the honor of photographing a "true powder post beetle". Once I started pushing around on it, it played dead and would not move at all.
Hi! Wondering if you have any updates on PPB. I have plenty of old activity, and some new activity. I got a couple of quotes, but figured I can do Boracare myself, so why pay someone else? Do you feel it's effective? Have you considered varnishing the timbers after? I hear they don't bore into sealed wood. Thinking of doing that to the under sides, were it's out of sight. Thanks for the great information here. I need to start my own acount of my journey with a 260 year old home.
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