Slating the North Hip Roof... in the rain

Yesterday started out dry, and we were eager to begin slating on the clean palette that we had prepared the day before. Brother-in-law #1 (our defacto crane operator) did not come to work, so I had to run the crane for brother-in-law #2 who laid starter slates at the eaves of the north roof.

After my Bro-in-law finished the starter slates (and the first course of field slates which, as the slate books wisely advise, should go on at the same time as the starter slates), he tied off to the roof and worked the roof from above (standing on the oak battens). I flew the empty crane platform over to the corner of the roof, climbed out on the roof, and jumped on to the platform. From this perch, secured with a rope of course, I was ready to lay (and flash) my first hip slates.

Once again, demonstrating the difference in speed between laying field slates and laying slates at roof junctures, my brother-in-law was able to lay over 150 slates while I racked up only two dozen or so at the hip. (Or maybe we just keep demonstrating the gap between his competence and my ineptitude?!)
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