The eyebrow dormer is finished!!!

Now we can focus on installing more windows, putting more walls (SIPs) up, and moving on to other parts of the roof. The next area to be slated will be the dog house dormer to the left of the eyebrow dormer. Not nearly as complicated.. we've already snapped chalk lines on this simple dormer and laid a few slates.
G'day from Australia
You're lucky to be able to do the roof yourself. I have not seen copper flashing on homes down here, but I love the idea (we have galvanised steel onours). Also, the random-offsets of each slate is not seen here either - looks great! Your home is in such an idyllic location. It looks like (_one_day_) you can do a lot of relaxing around there!
G'day Stephen! Wait 'til I tell the kids we got a message from down under. :) I tell people that our house site is not the best there is, just the best on our farm. I spent many hours studying topo maps and hiking the property thinking about where to locate our house. It's on a knoll/point, but the hills still tower above it. No matter how many local materials I use and how much I think about the architecture and siting, I realize my house _is_ a scar on the scenerey here. But maybe the residence will attract another caretaker for the land around it when I'm long gone. In the mean time, I'll do the best I can.
And yes, I am looking forward to relaxing... some day. I say that I'm building this house for a grumpy old man (who would never build it for himslef)... that's who I'll be when the house is finally finished. :)
Uh, ANTEQ, I think I know who you are. Genius does run in our family - but unfortunately for you and me, it seems to run only on my wife's side of the family. :)
Hello from Iraq. I'm a helicopter pilot here and loved reading about the your whole build process. I want to build a timber frame near Maysville, KY in the next few years.I just got back here from Germany and saw lots of eyebrow dormers in Rothenburg. Is there any way I could send you pictures? I think you would enjoy them.
Larry, I presume you are serving our country in some manner... if so, I would like to thank you.
I'd love to see those pictures! My email addy is
Also, when you return to the area, please look me up and I will help with your timberframe in any way I can. I'm in Lewis County.
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